Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 94
Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 94 is proudly affiliated with the United Association (UA) of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada.
We represent the men and women of the union piping industry in all of Stark and Wayne counties and parts of Carroll county.
Learn more about Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 94

A long and storied history
It all began in 1901 when a band of Plumbers and Steamfitters interested in public health and welfare organized themselves, and on March 9, made an application for a Charter, which is now known as Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 94 – one of the oldest Locals in the United States.
The newly organized union had 30 members and presented its new resolutions to the contractors, who refused to consider them – thus resulting in the first work stoppage in February 1902. An agreement was finally reached on March 28.
UA Local Union 94 continued to grow, although slowly, over the next 15 years. However, in 1917, no agreement was reached which resulted in a 17-year lock-out. This did not stop the members and leaders from continuing to work to keep the Union alive. Many social activities were started during this period to further that cause. After the 17-year lockout, the Union emerged even stronger and since then has continued to grow to our current membership of nearly 600.
Growth Through Merger
Some of that growth has evolved via mergers with like-minded Locals. On January 1, 1963, Local 427 – Alliance, Ohio, which was chartered in 1908 merged with Local 94. September 1, 1974 brought about the merger with Local Union 252 – Massillon, Ohio, which was chartered in April 1901. This resulted in the combined organization of three United Association Local Unions who have prided themselves on the high-quality workmanship performed by their members.
Today, UA Local Union 94 is located in a 13,000 square foot building that consists of our offices, union hall and training center, featuring six classrooms and four hands-on shop areas — each geared toward a different course discipline.
While many changes have taken place over the years, our foundation is strong, and we continue to grow and expand, campaigning for workers’ rights and providing skilled workers for the oil and gas industry – right in the heart of the Utica Shale play.
UA Local Union 94 Apprenticeship System
In 1921, the Apprenticeship system was founded, with George Reissler serving as instructor. Prior to this, the only teachers known to the apprentices were journeymen. John N. Knoll served as instructor from 1936 to 1945. Class size varied from 10 to as high as 28 through these years. Today, our Apprenticeship Program boasts nearly 70 enrollees.