Plumbers & Pipefitters Local Union 94 Leadership team

Brett McElfresh
Business Manager
Brother McElfresh is a graduate of Massillon High School and R.G. Drage Career Technical Center. He has served in the U.S. Army and is an Iraq War veteran. Brother McElfresh is a fourth-generation building trades union member and is the first member of his family to work in the pipe trades. A 16-year member of Local 94, he was elected to serve in the following capacities:
- Local 94 Executive Board, for three years
- Hall of Fame Central AFL-CIO Chapter delegate
- East Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council Executive Board
- Canton Construction Board President
- United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters (UA) Local 94 Business Manager

Vance VanVoorhis
Business Agent
Vance VanVoorhis has been a member of UA Local 94 for 26 years. He served on the Executive Board for 12 years before he was elected to Business Agent in January 2016.
Vance also serves on the AFL-CIO Hall of Fame Central Labor Council Executive Board.
Vance, his wife and three children reside in East Canton.

Cindy Timberlake
Office Manager
Office Manager Cindy Timberlake joined our UA Local Union 94 administrative team in January 2016. Cindy brings over 30 years of Management/Office experience to Local 94.
Cindy has been a lifelong resident of Canton.
Contact Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 94
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